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2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Semester Minor Application Results

2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Semester Minor Application Results

Students who applied and got accepted for the 2023-2024 Fall Semester Minor Programs must submit their petitions to Student Affairs via IHU Support Request System or in person before the end of working hours on 11.08.2023.

Applications submitted after the specified time will not be processed.

Due to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, only the student numbers of the relevant persons are announced.

School Of Education
Guidance & Psychological Counseling
2 nd Class
200553021 Accepted 1. Permanant
210448011 Accepted 2. Permanant
3 nd Class
200553017 Accepted 1. Permanant
School Of Communication
New Media & Communication (English)
2 nd Class
210142013 Accepted 1. Permanant
3 nd Class
190142020 Accepted 1. Permanant
190452002 Accepted 2. Permanant
School Of Humanıtıes And Socıal Scıences
Comparative Literature
2 nd Class
200356008 Accepted 1. Permanant
210142004 Accepted 2. Permanant
2 nd Class
200142011 Accepted 1. Permanant
210142004 Accepted 2. Permanant
210142015 Accepted 1. Substıtute
210449014 Accepted 2. Substıtute
3 nd Class
190553022 Accepted 1. Permanant
200450008 Accepted 2. Permanant
200553017 Accepted 1. Substıtute
190142020 Accepted 2. Substıtute
Political Science & International Relations
2 nd Class
220654019 Accepted 1. Permanant
220447006 Accepted 2. Permanant
210142013 Accepted 3. Permanant
3 nd Class
190452002 Accepted 1. Permanant
2 nd Class
210142013 Accepted 1. Permanant
3 nd Class
190553003 Accepted 1. Permanant
190553009 Accepted 2. Permanant
200553019 Accepted 3. Permanant
190142020 Accepted 1. Substıtute
2 nd Class
210449014 Accepted 1. Permanant
3 nd Class
190553003 Accepted 1. Permanant
200553019 Accepted 2. Permanant
Accepted 3. Permanant
School Of Islamic Studies
Islamic Studies (%30 English)
2 nd Class
200356014 Accepted 1. Permanant
200356008 Accepted 2. Permanant
210449014 Accepted 3. Permanant