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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How is the enrollment process performed?
The candidates who will enroll in the undergraduate programs may review Undergraduate Enrollment Guide while the graduate candidates may review Graduate Enrollment Guide.

2. Is it possible to apply to Ibn Haldun University without ÖSYM score?
The student admissions to the undergraduate programs of our university is done centrally through OSYM. However, the admission of international students is carried out by our International Relations Department in line with the criteria determined by our University and approved by YÖK.

3. Can I enroll in through additional placement?
Yes, if there is an open quota for the students, you can. You can review the Additional Placement Guide for the information about the additional placement quotas that is published by OSYM after the first placement, when the enrollments are over. You can also check our University's websites for the additional placement quotas announced for the relevant year.

4. Where can I find detailed information about scholarships?
The undergraduate students can review Undergraduate Scholarship Directive while graduate students can review the Graduate Scholarship Directive  through About Us>Legislation section which takes place on our website.

1. What is registration renewal and how can I renew my registration?
Registration renewal is to make course registrations through the student information system (OBS) on the dates determined for course registrations after paying the relevant semester fee at the beginning of each semester. Students complete their course selections in line with the courses included in the Curriculums and provided that they receive advisor’s approval.
For preparation programs, students are required to answer the survey released through the OBS at the beginning of each module. These students do not have to make an additional course registration through the system.

2. How and when can I register for courses?
The course registration for the undergraduate and graduate students is carried out through the OBS at the beginning of each semester while it is at the beginning of each module for preparation program students on the dates announced in the academic calendar. It is crucial that the relevant dates in the academic calendar are followed.

3. How will I perform my course registration through the system?
You can find the videos on OBS User Guides page.

4. I am trying to log in the OBS but it does not accept my password. What should I do?
If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it through https://pass.ihu.edu.tr/passwordresetrequest.php page. This is also the password of the e-mail address that is allocated for you by the University.

5. How can I learn the courses to be registered?
Students are obliged to choose the courses take place in the curriculum of the program in which they are enrolled, among the courses offered each semester.
Course schedules are published on the Course Schedules page at oidb.ihu.edu.tr at the beginning of each semester, on the dates announced in the academic calendar. Course plans are available on the relevant departments' websites under the course plans and course content heading. You can contact your advisor for detailed information about the courses you need to take.

6. Can I register for an undergraduate course while I am in the preparation program?
It is not possible to register for an undergraduate course while you are in the preparation program.

7. Is it compulsory for my courses to be approved by my advisor?
In order for your course registration to be finalized, advisor’s approval process must be completed. Otherwise, your course registration will be invalid.  

8. I could not register for my courses within the deadline, what should I do?
If you could not register for your courses within the deadline, you may complete your registration during the course add-drop period.

9. I wish to change a course that I have registered with another course but the course registration period is over. What can I do?
The courses registered in the course registration period can be replaced during course add-drop process.

10. I could not register for courses within the deadline and I will register in the add-drop period. Does it affect my scholarship status?
If you do not register within the deadline, your granted scholarship will not be active. When your course registration is finalized in the add-drop period, your granted scholarship will be active and, if exists, your payment pertaining prior period will be done.

11. I could not register for the courses within the registration dates and I missed the add-drop period. Will I not be able to register for the courses?
You may apply with a petition approved by your advisor to the relevant School/Graduate School secretariat containing the excuse along with the courses to be registered by the last working day of the fourth week, following the beginning of the courses. If your excuse is deemed valid and School/Graduate School Board of Directors decides your registration to be made, your course registration is performed by the Student Affairs Department.

12. I have registered for my courses within the deadline but my advisor has not approved them. I cannot see the registered courses on OBS. What should I do?
Advisor approvals are inseparable parts of the course registration. The registration of the courses, which are not approved by the advisor, is invalid and these courses are not shown on the OBS. You need to renew your registration in the add-drop period. If you missed course add-drop period as well, you should apply to your School/Graduate School to register for the courses.

13. I completed my course registration in due time, I received the advisor's approval. However, I cannot see my courses on Canvas system. What should I do?
After the course registration system is closed and advisor’s approvals are completed, the registrations made are automatically transferred to Canvas. If you are still unable to view your courses on Canvas when the course registration period is over, you may request support through “canvasbilgi@ihu.edu.tr” address. When you send an e-mail with the screenshot of the error, the problem will be solved and you will be informed as soon as possible.

14. I have registered for courses but Canvas link has not been sent. What should I do?
The links for the courses registered are formed and shared by the relevant course instructor. In such cases, you need to contact the course instructor.

15. I chose my courses and sent them to advisor’s approval. Now I want to change a course but I am unable to make changes as it is approved by the advisor. What should I do?
After completing your course registrations and sending it to the advisor's approval, the system system will not allow you to make changes in your program until your advisor does. You may contact your advisor and ask him/her to reject your program. When your program is rejected, you can make the changes and then you need to send your courses once more for advisor’s approval.
If your advisor approves your course list, you cannot make changes through the system. In such cases, you should contact your advisor and request the courses you want to be added to your course list. In this case, you will need to finalize your course list once more and receive advisor’s approval.

16. I registered for my courses but my advisor has not approved them yet and I could not reach my advisor via e-mail. What should I do?
Students are responsible for ensuring that their registration is completed and approved by the advisor. Within course registration period, you should contact your advisor by receiving his/her opinion and make sure that the approval process is completed. In cases where you are unable to contact via e-mail, you may request assistance in getting contact with your advisor from your department secretariat. You may find the contact information of the department secretariats through Internal Contact Guide, which is on portal.ihu.edu.tr under Corporate section.

17. The courses that I want to register overlap, is it still possible to register for the course?
As per the Article 20 second clause of Ibn Haldun University’s Regulation on Undergraduate Education, the students cannot register even for partially overlapping courses on the weekly schedule simultaneously.
However, the students who are registered to a double major or a minor program, may register for overlapping courses that are to be taken from the second major or the minor program together with those of primary major program upon the advisor’s and both course instructors’ approval. These students should fill Registration Form to Overlapping Courses for Double Major/Minor Students through portal.ihu.edu.tr under For Students>Documents section that is on the left menu, and send ogrenciisleri@ihu.edu.tr address via e-mail.
For other than these courses, the registration process must be completed through the system and the advisor’s approval must be taken within the dates specified.

18. The quota of the university courses that I have to register is full, what can I do?
The quotas of the university courses offered are determined by the Core Courses Department and are monitored during the course registration process. If there is a need the quota to be increased, it is processed. Please check such courses frequently within the course registration days.

19. Am I able to take courses of the upper terms?
As long as your advisor approves, you may register for courses of the upper terms that do not have prerequisites However, as of the end of the fourth semester of the undergraduate studies, the students having a GPA below 1.80 should primarily repeat the failed courses, courses graded below C to raise their GPAs or non-registered courses of the previous semesters.

20. My courses registered for this semester are below 30 ECTS. Will my scholarship be discontinued?
If you meet the minimum ECTS value or the course number requirement for the relevant semester as it is specified in your curriculum, or if you reach the number of required ECTS in total until the relevant semester, your scholarship will not be discontinued.
The scholarship calculations pertaining primary major for students who enrolled in double major/minor programs are made based on the ECTS values taken in both programs. For this reason, the abovementioned ECTS value and course number requirement also apply for this situation.

21. What is the difference between departmental electives and general electives?
Departmental elective courses are the courses offered with your department’s own code, and general elective courses are the courses offered by other departments. You should register these courses as per the number specified in your curriculum.

22. Which language courses should I choose?
*300 coded courses are offered for undergraduate students while 500 coded courses are offered for graduate students. For this reason, undergraduate students should choose 300-coded language courses while graduate students should choose 500-coded language courses. In graduate programs, 500C coded courses are offered with credits and 500 coded courses are offered as non-credit. Students are obliged to register for the course group required by the relevant program. You may view the Multilingualism Proficiency Matrix, which is prepared by the Graduate School for this purpose.

23. Can I register for any level of a language course?
The prerequisite of the language courses offered at our University is to have completed the below level of the relevant course. The level of the course that the student needs to take is determined upon examination held by School of Foreign Languages. You may find the contact information of the School of Foreign Language secretariats through Internal Contact Guide, which is on portal.ihu.edu.tr under Corporate section.

24. I am exempted from X level of the language course. I am unable to register for the next level of the course. What should I do?
You need to apply for your school with a petition to register for these courses. Your course registration will be performed by the Student Affairs Department upon School Board of Directors decision. Please do not forget to finalize the process for your other courses within course registration process.

25. What is the regular credit load?
The regular credit load for a student in each semester is equal to the total ECTS credits allocated per semester in the curriculum of the program in which the student is enrolled.

26. What is the maximum number of ECTS credits that can I choose?
The freshmen year students who have no adjustment process have the right to take courses maximum of 38 ECTS. From the beginning of the third semester, with the advisor’s approval, students with a GPA between 2.00 and 3.00 may take a maximum of 6 more ECTS, and students with a GPA above 3.00 may take a maximum of 12 more ECTS in addition to their regular credit load.

According to the 5th paragraph of Article 19 of our University's Undergraduate Education, Teaching and Examination Regulation, the total credit load that students can take per semester from all registered programs, including double major and/or minor program courses, is a maximum of 42 ECTS.

27. Can I increase my maximum credit load?
If the credit amount you wish to take exceeds the maximum credit load specified above, you need to apply to your faculty with your reasons for wanting to take additional courses. Based on the decision of the Faculty Board, your course registration will be carried out by the Student Affairs Directorate.

28. I'm actually in my second year, but the system shows me as a first-year student. How is the information about which year I am in determined?
Students with a total earned ECTS credit score below 60 are classified as first-year students, those with scores between 60 and 119 are considered second-year students, those with scores between 120 and 179 are categorized as third-year students, and those with scores of 180 and above are designated as fourth-year students. The determination of a student's year is based on the total ECTS value of the courses they have successfully completed and been exempted from. Grade point average is not taken into account.

29. I am in the thesis period, do I need to register for courses?   
Students registered in a thesis master’s program must register for the thesis course every semester as of 3rd semester until they graduate. It will not be possible to defend your thesis in a semester, which you are not registered for the thesis course.

30. I cannot see the X course on the selection screen. Why could it be? 
You may only see the courses offered for the relevant semester on the system. Not all of the courses that take place in your curriculum may be offered.
The courses whose syllabus information has not been identified are not shown on the system. The relevant course will be activated once the instructor of the course completes the syllabus information.
If you are unable to see the language courses, you may choose Turkish / Arabic courses of undergraduate programs that take place in your curriculum in line with the Multilingualism Policy, through elective groups that appear on your registration screen. Other language courses take place Curriculum/Extra Curricular Courses section. For graduate programs on the other hand, you may choose them through language courses group that appear on your registration screen.
If none of these situations applies to you, if you send an e-mail to ogrenciisleri@ihu.edu.tr with the screenshot of the error, the problem will be solved and you will be informed as soon as possible.

31. I receive an error message when I try to register for two courses from one group but according to my curriculum, I need to choose more than one course from this group. What should I do?
The system allows you to choose only one course for each group. You may choose your courses from other course groups with the same name. To display all of these groups, you should mark the relevant semester as “All”.

32. How can I see the general elective courses? 
General elective courses can be seen under Curriculum / Extra Curricular Courses section upon selecting the relevant school/graduate school and the program.

33. I choose X course on the selection screen, but I cannot send it for advisor’s approval. Why could it be?  
If a course has a prerequisite and you want to choose the course without fulfilling that requirement, the system will not allow you to finalize your course list.

34. The courses in my weekly course schedule on the OBS are different from those published on the website. What can I do?  
After the course registration system is opened, changes made in the course schedule cannot be reflected in the system. However, the updated information of the courses for which changes are required due to specific reasons are announced on the website.

35. Can I register for another elective course instead of previously failed elective course? 
One of the courses taken within the same semester cannot be substituted for failed courses. The students may repeat a previously taken elective course with another course on the condition that the course belongs to the same elective course group. To do this, after choosing the course, you should state the course to be substituted through “Saydır” button. Otherwise, the failed course will remain to affect your GPA.

1. Do I have to attend classes?
In Ibn Haldun University, the students are responsible for attending the courses that they are registered. The rates pertaining to the attendance are 90% in preparation programs, 80% in undergraduate programs and 70% in graduate programs. The students who are below the specified rates are announced unsuccessful due to incomplete attendance. These courses are shown as IA (Incomplete Attendance) in the transcript. These students cannot take the final exam and, their scholarship is discontinued, if exists, until they attend the courses.

2. I was not able to attend my courses for a while due to my health issues. Where should I submit my medical report?
Reports of undergraduate students for attendance monitoring and midterm exams should be submitted to the relevant course instructor. However, those who request a make-up exam for the final exams can submit their reports to the secretariat of their school if they are undergraduate students, and to the secretariat of the graduate school that they are affiliated with if they are graduate students. You may find the contact information of the relevant secretariats through Internal Contact Guide, which is on iber.ihu.edu.tr, under Corporate section.

1. I have successfully completed the English preparation program. What should I do?
If you have completed the English preparatory program, you may commence your undergraduate studies as well as you may enroll in the Arabic Preparation Program. To specify your preference, you need to fill in the Optional Preparation Form iber.ihu.edu.tr, under For Students>Documents section that is on the left menu, and send ogrenciisleri@ihu.edu.tr address via e-mail.

2. When the language exam results are announced, the course registration period will be over and even the classes will be started. In this case, can I register for undergraduate courses?
For the language exam results received after the add-drop period, you need to contact the relevant school by the last working day of the fourth week following the beginning of the courses.

1. How are military procedures conducted at your university?
Military postponement and deferral procedures are carried out according to the Law No. 1111 on Military Service. Military procedures for undergraduate students are automatically processed by the Ministry of National Defense through the YÖKSİS database. In the event of the termination of student status for any reason, the military postponement termination process is carried out by the Student Affairs Directorate within a maximum of two months.

2. What is the maximum period of deferment I can have?
The military postponement procedure is valid for the duration of education and can be applied within the framework that students should not exceed the end of the year in which they complete 29 years of age. In the event of any disconnection from the university for any reason (graduation, withdrawal), the military district command is notified to cancel the deferral by informing them accordingly.
When making the military deferral offer, the normal duration of the program specified in the regulations students are subject to and the age limit indicated in the Implementation Principles of the Law No. 7179 on Military Service are taken into consideration.

3. In which cases can't a military deferral process be conducted?
Graduates of a higher education institution are not granted military postponement due to enrolling in a second program at the same level.
For new students, if they have previous deferrals from another institution or university, requesting a new deferral without canceling the existing one is not possible.
For individuals who have completed a Master's degree, if they apply to the Military Service Branches, their military service will be deferred by 2 years from the graduation date.

4. Can registration be suspended due to military service?
According to the Military Conscription Regulation of the Ministry of National Defense, students who are called up for military service can have their registrations suspended until the end of the semester following the completion of their military service if they submit a request to their Faculties/Institutes.

1. What is a double major program? 
The aim of the double major programs in our University is to provide students with the opportunity of getting a second undergraduate degree at a different program in addition to their primary undergraduate programs.

2. What is a minor program?
The aim of the minor programs in our University is to provide students with the opportunity of getting a minor certificate at a different program in addition to their undergraduate programs.

3. What are the application requirements for a double major program?
In order to apply for a double major program, the following conditions are sought:
To be earliest at the beginning of the third, latest at the beginning of the fifth semester,
Having a GPA of 2.72 at least, over 4.00,
Having being successfully completed all courses taken,
Being in the top 20% of the success ranking in the class,
For students who cannot meet the success ranking requirement, they must have the base score of the program they wish to do a double major in for the year the program was placed at the University.
For applications to the Law program, applicants must have a ranking of 50,000 and above in the Higher Education Institutions Exam of the year they enrolled at the University.

4. What are the application requirements for the minor program?:
To apply for a minor program, the following conditions are sought:
To be earliest at the beginning of the third, latest at the beginning of the sixth semester,
Having a GPA of 2.50 at least, over 4.00,
Being successfully completed all credit courses taken.

5. How can I apply for a double major / minor?
Double major/minor applications are carried out through the OBS within the announced dates in the academic calendar.

6. Where can I find the quota information for double major/minor programs?
The quotas determined are announced at oidb.ihu.edu.tr, Double Major & Minor page on the date specified in the academic calendar.

7. How is the evaluation process carried out for double major / minor programs?
In the evaluation of applications for double major/minor programs, the applicants who fulfill the requirements are listed according to their grade point average.

8. I have been accepted to a double major / minor program. How do I complete my enrollment?
Students who are admitted are enrolled by applying Student Affairs Department through Registration Preference Petition published on iber.ihu.edu.tr, under For Students>Documents section that is on the left menu. If the students in the main list do not enroll on the dates specified in the academic calendar, applications of the students who are in the waiting list are taken and their enrollments are completed.

9. Do I need to pay an extra tuition fee for the double major / minor program?
No, you do not need to pay extra tuition fee for the double major / minor program.

10. Can I substitute the courses taken in double major/minor program for my primary major?
Since the courses that will be deemed common for each of the programs are determined by School Board of Directors decision, you need to submit your request on this issue to your school in your last semester before the graduation of your primary major.

11. Does my academic standing in a double major/minor program affect my academic standing in my primary major?
No, it does not affect your primary major’s academic standing.

12. The courses I choose in my primary major and double major / minor program overlap. How can I register for these courses?
You may review the "Course Registration" section for your inquiries related to overlapping courses.

13. What happens if I do not complete the double major / minor program on time?
The scholarships of the students who earn the right to graduate from primary major program but do not complete the double major program continue maximum of two more semesters. However, in order to graduate from double major program, the student has maximum seven years from the year of enrollment in the program. Upon their application, minor program students may be given an additional period of maximum one semester with the School Board of Directors decision. Within this time, the granted scholarship continues.

14. Can the double major / minor program be completed before the primary major?
Double major/minor programs are not considered to be completed unless the student graduates from the primary major. A minor certificate or double major diploma is not given to these students.

15. How can I cancel my registration from the double major program?
The students can drop out of the double major program anytime at his/her own request. In addition, the students who do not repeatedly enroll courses for two consecutive semesters in double major program and have primary major GPA under 2.50 twice shall be disenrolled.

16. How can I cancel my registration from the minor program?
The students who do not fulfill the requirement of having minimum of 2.29 GPA out of 4.00 in the primary major program are disenrolled from the minor program.

17. What happens to the courses completed when I cancel my registration?
If you cancel your enrollment of double major / minor program, the courses taken and successfully completed are shown with “S” grade and are not included in the GPA. The failed courses are not shown on your transcript.
However, if you wish to substitute these courses for your primary major’s graduation requirement, you may apply to your school with a petition.

18. What documents do students who graduate from a double major / minor program receive?
Those who graduate from a minor program are entitled to receive "Minor Certificate" while those who graduate from a double major program are entitled to receive an "Undergraduate Diploma”.

1. Can I transfer between the programs of University?
It is possible to change your department after you enrolled in the University. In our University, the procedures of the transfers are carried out according to the provisions of Directive for Internal and External Transfers. Accordingly, you may apply for transfer with your GPA or central placement score.

2. What are the internal transfer requirements with GPA?
To be earliest at the beginning of the third, latest at the beginning of the fifth semester,
Having a GPA of 3.00 at least, over 4.00,
Having 48 ECTS earned for third semester, 72 ECTS earned for fourth semester and 96 ECTS earned for fifth semester.
As of the year the central exam is taken, for the desired program of transfer, the central placement score obtained in the applicable scoring type must be higher than the minimum base score of equivalent diploma programs of other domestic higher education institutions.
For applications to the Law program, applicants must have a success ranking of 20,000 and above in the Higher Education Institutions Exam of the year they enrolled at the University.

3. What are the conditions for internal internal transfer with a central placement score?
If your central placement score in the year you enrolled at the University is higher than the minimum base score of the diploma program you wish to transfer to, you can apply for a horizontal transfer.
Applications are evaluated within the quotas determined according to the procedures and principles set by the YÖK Executive Board. In cases where the application exceeds the quota, applications are considered from the candidate with the highest central placement score, and the applications are accepted up to the quota limit as determined by the relevant administrative boards.

4. Am I eligible for internal transfer as a preparation class student?
In order to apply for internal transfer with a GPA, you must be at the beginning of the third semester at the earliest and at the beginning of the fifth semester at the latest.

5. Where can I learn the student quotas and the dates for internal transfer?
Quotas pertaining transfer with GPA is determined by dividing into Fall and Spring semesters by the relevant boards as per the relevant legislation. The quotas determined are announced at oidb.ihu.edu.tr, “Internal Transfer” page on the dates specified in the academic calendar.

6. Will my scholarship be discontinued when I internally transfer?
Even the student enrolls in another program through internal transfer, the scholarship granted when the first enrollment continues.

7. How will my maximum period of study be affected when I internally transfer?
Internally transferred students’ maximum period of study calculation is made by subtracting the study period of the first program from the maximum period of study.

8. What will be the previously taken courses when I internally transfer?
The courses taken in your previous program are considered within the scope of your new program's curriculum and transferred for graduation requirement upon evaluation. You do not need to make an additional application for this. Courses that cannot be counted for any compulsory or elective course group continue to appear as extra courses on your transcript.

1-How can I learn about the conditions for inter-institutional internal transfer?
Each term, the internal transfer quotas and application conditions for the next academic year are announced on the web site of Student Affairs.

2. How are scholarships determined for inter-institutional internal transfers?
The fee and scholarship status of accepted students are determined by the relevant administrative board decision and approved by the Rectorate. This information is communicated to the candidates through the acceptance letter.

3. Can I transfer internally from a department without a preparatory program to a department with a preparatory program?
Candidates who want to transfer based on their GPA to programs that are fully or partially taught in a foreign language must demonstrate that they have achieved the required score in one of the following exams:
However, candidates who wish to transfer based on central placement score and have not completed the maximum duration of the preparatory program at another higher education institution can complete this period in our university's preparatory program.

4. I applied for a internal transfer to X University and got accepted. What should I do next?
Students who will transfer horizontally to another university must first disconnect from their current university. Once the affiliation is ended, a document confirming that there is no obstacle to enrollment in the university is provided to the student, but the registration at the current university is not deleted. When an official letter regarding the internal transfer from the transferring university is received, a decision is made by the relevant administrative board (FYK/EYK) to delete the student's registration, the Registration Office completes the registration removal process, and the student's personnel file is sent to the transferring university.

5. When I am accepted to your university through inter-institutional horizontal transfer, how will the recognition process (intibak) be conducted?
Documents such as the transcript and course contents submitted by students during registration through horizontal transfer are forwarded to the relevant faculty or institute. Based on the examined documents by the Recognition (Intibak) Committee established within the faculty or institute, an adaptation (intibak) form is prepared. Upon the decision of the relevant administrative board (Faculty Board / Institute Board), the recognition process is carried out by the Student Affairs Directorate through the student information system.

6. Is it possible to study at İbn Haldun University through Vertical Transfer?
Our university does not accept students through vertical transfer.

1. How can I get my transcript and student certificate?
You may receive the student certificate and transcript through e-devlet.
It is also possible to request a document with an electronic signature from the OBS. You may access the screenshot showing the document request process here. Then you may download it from the same screen once the signature process is completed.
* Hard copy documents (with wet signature) can be received after one working day at the earliest. In order to avoid any delays, it is recommended that you make your document requests considering this point.

2. I lost my student ID card, what should I do?
If you have lost your student ID card or want to change it for any reason, you must fill Declaration Form for Missing Student ID Card published on iber.ihu.edu.tr, under For Students> Documents section and send studentaffairs@ihu.edu.tr after paying 500 TL card fee to Financial Affairs Department. Based on the payment confirmation, your new card will be prepared and you will be informed to receive it.
Note: Due to the pandemic, payments are made online. You may access the online payment system through https://iber.ihu.edu.tr/PrivatePay address.

3. My address and contact information has changed, where should I inform?
When your address and contact information change, you may update them through Contact Information section of OBS.

4. The information on my national ID card has changed, where should I inform?  
If the information on your national ID card has changed after commencing your studies at Ibn Haldun University, you are required to notify the Student Affairs Department with a petition containing the change along with the verifying documents.

5. What should I do to obtain a certificate stating that there are no obstacles to internal transfer?
Students who request a certificate stating that there are no obstacles to internal transfer must first have disconnected from the University. A letter confirming that there are no obstacles to internal transfer can be provided to students who have ended their affiliation with the University.
The disaffiliation form is requested to demonstrate that the student has no further ties with any other units of the University, and therefore, they are eligible for a horizontal transfer. Your form will be processed upon the official letter from the University you are transferring to, confirming your horizontal transfer, and the process of registration removal will be initiated accordingly.

6. How can I get a document showing the disciplinary record?  
You can send your disciplinary record document request to studentaffairs@ihu.edu.tr.

7. I need an official letter about my enrollment status at the university. How can I get?
The department where the document you have requested will be prepared may vary depending on the content of the document. Accordingly, you need to apply:
to Student Affairs for your document requests related medium of instruction,
to your graduate school for your document requests related to your thesis process,
to the School of Foreign Languages for your document requests related preparation program.
Contact information of the relevant departments take place in Internal Contact Guide, which is on iber.ihu.edu.tr, under Corporate section.

1. What is course withdrawal?
If you give up taking a registered course after the add-drop period is over, you can apply for withdrawal until the last working day of the 8th week following the beginning of the start of the courses.
Although, there is no withdrawal right in the first two semesters of undergraduate programs, undergraduate students can withdraw from maximum of 6 courses in total while this number is 3 for graduate students. 

2. How can I apply for course withdrawal?
The withdrawal application is carried out by filling out the Course Withdrawal Form and sending it to studentaffairs@ihu.edu.tr address. It is a must to receive the advisor’s approval for your course withdrawal process to be finalized. Otherwise, your course registration application will be invalid.
You may access course withdrawal form through iber.ihu.edu.tr, under Corporate>Documents section of Forms category.

3. Will the withdrawn course be evident on my transcript?
The withdrawn course takes place among the relevant semester’s courses and is shown with W (Withdrawal) grade. W grade is not included in the GPA, it only shows that the course is withdrawn in the relevant semester.

4. Do I have to repeat the withdrawn courses?
If it is a compulsory course, you need to choose the same course and succeed in order to be able to graduate. If you have withdrawn from an elective course, you do not need to repeat the same course when you succeeded by choosing another course from the same group.

5. From which semester can I withdraw from the courses of my double major/minor program?
You can withdraw from the courses of your double major/minor program from your first semester. 

1. Where can I see my course grades?
You may see the final grades awarded through Student Information System by logging in with your username and password.

2. Where can I learn the standing of letter grades and grade letter scale?
The detailed information pertaining the letter grades and other grade marks used in our University take place in Article 28 of Regulation on Undergraduate Education and Article 15 of Regulation on Graduate Education. The equivalency of these success grades in 100-point grade scale is not ascertained, and the determination of letter grades and their correspondence in grade points is left to the discretion of relevant course instructor.

3. What are general point average and semester grade point average, how are they calculated?
Semester grade point average is the average of courses registered in the relevant semester while GPA (General Point Average) is the average of all registered courses. It is calculated by dividing the sum of multiplication of success grades’ coefficients with ECTS credits of the courses to the total ECTS credits of the courses.

4. What does conditionally successful mean?
C-, D+ or D grades are conditionally successful grades. If your GPA is above 2.00, you are deemed successful for the relevant courses. However, if your GPA is below 2.00, you need to increase your GPA by repeating these courses. Thus, the condition for these grades to be deemed successful is having a GPA above 2.00.   

5. Who are the students on probation?
The students who have the GPA below 2.00 at the end of any semester are deemed the students on probation. The students on probation cannot register for additional courses than their regular credit load. However, as of the end of the fourth semester of the undergraduate studies, the students having a GPA below 1,80 should primarily repeat the failed courses, courses graded below C to raise their GPAs or non-registered courses of the previous semesters.

6. How can I object to my grade?
You may request a reexamination of your exam paper by the course instructor in three working days following the announcement of exam results. The result of your appeal should be notified within three days at the latest upon the evaluation. If you want to appeal once more, you need to apply to the relevant Dean's Office / Graduate School Directorate within five working days along with the petition of appeal. The applications made after the deadline are not accepted.
Your application is finalized within seven working days and you are notified in writing. If the grade change is deemed required, School/ Graduate School Board of Directors takes decision and informs Student Affairs Department.

7. What should I do to take make-up exam?
In case you could not take the final exam, you can apply to the relevant School/Graduate School Directorate within five working days following the exam date with a petition specifying your excuse. If you have an excuse related with health, you are required to attach your health report, which is approved by the relevant School/Graduate School Directorate, and if another excuse is present, the document proving it must be attached. If your excuse is deemed valid by the relevant FYK/EYK, you are entitled to take the make-up exam on the announced date. If you do not take the make-up exam or your excuse is not accepted, the relevant exam grade is considered “0”.

8. Do I have to right to take retake exam?
The programs in which the retake exams will be offered is determined by the University Senate’s decision and the retake exam dates are announced in the academic calendar. In the courses that offer retake exams, the students who failed in the final exam or have a right to take the exam but unable to attend due to an excuse accepted by FYK are entitled to take retake exam.

9. What should I do to take single course exam?
If you have only one course to graduate within the maximum education period or can provide at least 2,00 average as a result of the single course exam, you can take single course exam within fifteen days following the end of the final exams upon the decision of the School Board of Directors as long as you met the attendance requirement of the course and completed its mid-term studies. For this, you need to apply to the relevant Dean’s Office within five working days at the latest before the announced date of the single course exam in the academic calendar.

1. Can I take a leave of absence for any particular reason?
The students wishing to take leave fill Leave of Absence Form and apply to the relevant Dean’s Office/Graduate School Directorate within fifteen working days at the latest after the occurrence of the excuse. Those whose excuses are deemed valid by FYK/EYK are considered on leave for the relevant semesters.
You may access the form through iber.ihu.edu.tr, under Corporate>Documents section of Forms category.
The students who want to request leave for other reasons apart from the reasons set forth in Article 34, first clause of the Regulation on Undergraduate Education and Article 22, second clause of the Regulation on Graduate Education must apply by the last working day of the fourth week, following the beginning of the courses at the latest.

2. How many semesters can I take leave of absence? 
Undergraduate students have the right to take leave maximum of four semesters while graduate students have maximum of 3 semesters. Students can take leave maximum of 2 semesters at a time.

3. Is the leave period included in my study period?
Leave period is not included in the study period.

4. Will my scholarship be paid during my leave of absence?
Within the leave period, the scholarships granted by the University are discontinued.

5. Will I get a refund when I take leave of absence? 
For each semester that the student will be considered on leave, 5% of annual program fee in undergraduate programs and 5% of total program fee in graduate programs are collected. The students are not charged a fee when they request the leave of absence with the following excuses:
Having health problems documented by a report from a full-fledged health institution,
Documenting the natural disasters of permanent residence area by a document given by the highest civilian authority of the region,
Certifying that his / her spouse or first-degree relatives have no other persons to look for them in the event of an emergency sickness,
Losing the right of deferment of military service or recruitment because of deferment removal decision,
Arrest or detention of the student,
Having a conviction that does not require the student to be sentenced from higher education institution according to the provisions of Bylaw on Student Discipline in Higher Education Institutions
Maternity leave request
Occurrence of other reasons that the relevant School Board of Directors will consider as valid and rightful.

6. How can I apply for disenrollment?
The students wishing to leave the University should fill “Exmatriculation Form” and submit it to the relevant School/Graduate School after having it signed by the relevant departments that are specified on the form. Upon the notification of FYK/EYK decision to the Student Affairs Department, the disenrollment process is completed.
You may access exmatriculation form through iber.ihu.edu.tr, under Corporate>Documents section of Forms category.

7. When I may be subject to dismissal?
The students who complete their maximum period of study in preparation, undergraduate and graduate programs, in graduate programs those who do not fulfill academic requirements specified in Regulation on Graduate Education and those who are expelled from the University as per the provisions of Bylaw on Student Discipline in Higher Education Institutions are dismissed.

8. What is the scope of academic requirements specified in Regulation on Graduate Education?
In thesis master’s programs,

to complete the credit courses and the seminar course specified in the curriculum of the program at the end of four semesters, to fulfill the success requirements, to complete thesis work within the maximum period of study and to defend the thesis
to be successful in the thesis work
for students whose thesis needed correction, to defend the thesis within maximum of three months and to be successful at the thesis defense
In PhD programs,
for students who are admitted by undergraduate and master’s degree, to complete the required credit courses within four and six semesters respectively, to provide the minimum GPA determined by the University, and to complete thesis work within this duration,
to successfully complete the proficiency exam,
to defend the students within three months for students whose thesis proposal is rejected and who want to continue the program with the same advisor and to defend the thesis within six months for students who change their thesis advisor and/or thesis subject, and to be successful at the thesis defense,
not to be unsuccessful for twice successively or three times consecutively at the thesis work.

9. How long is the maximum period of study?
The maximum period of study for the compulsory preparatory program in which the medium of instruction is partially or fully English is two years.
The period of undergraduate programs is maximum of seven years starting from the semester when the courses are offered in the registered program, regardless of students have registered or not for each semester. (See Regulation on Undergraduate Education, Article 33)
The period of thesis master’s program is maximum of six semesters starting from the semester when the courses are offered in their registered program, regardless of they have registered or not for each semester. (See Regulation on Graduate Education, Article 26)
The period of non-thesis master’s program is maximum of three semesters starting from the semester when the courses are offered in their registered program, regardless of they have registered or not for each semester. (See Regulation on Graduate Education, Article 30)
The period of PhD programs, except the scientific preparation, is respectively maximum twelve and fourteen semesters for those who are accepted to the master’s degree with thesis or PhD programs. This period is valid starting from the semester when the courses are offered in their registered program, regardless of they have registered or not for each semester. (See Regulation on Graduate Education, Article 35)

10. Am I eligible for tuition refund after the disenrollment?
When the students have applied for disenrollment by the last day of the add-drop period, they are not charged a tuition fee. The undergraduate students who apply after this period are charged 25% of the semester’s tuition fee while the graduate students are charged the whole tuition fee of the semester.
To be eligible for a refund within the scope of relevant legislative provisions, the student should not be in debt to the University and should return the allocated equipment undamaged.

1. Can the previously taken courses in other higher educations be substituted in Ibn Haldun University?
The substitution of previously taken courses in other higher education and their equivalencies in our University depends on the relevant FYK/EYK decision. For your course transfer requests, you need to apply to your School/Graduate School with your transcript and course content of the relevant course.
The courses to be substituted should be achieved by corresponding C grades for undergraduate students and B grades for graduate students. The similarity of the course contents and credits are examined. While in courses to be substituted as elective, the content similarity is sought, the content similarity should be at least 80% percent in the compulsory courses.

2. How are the courses transferred from another university shown on my transcript?
The courses that are approved to be transferred with FYK/EYK decision take place under the transfer courses section of your transcript and are included in GPA by being shown with the equivalent grades of our University’s grading system.

3. Is there a limitation on the number of courses that I can transfer?
The total ECTS credits of the courses to be transferred cannot exceed 65% of the total ECTS credits of the relevant curriculum. 

4. How can I be exempted from a course?
For the students who are wishing to be exempted from a compulsory course, the relevant School/Graduate School can hold an exemption exam. Those who are successful in the exam are exempted from the course and the relevant course is shown with an E grade on the transcript. The exempted courses are not included in GPA but are calculated within the total ECTS.

5. Can you provide detailed information on the exemption exams?
Schools/Graduate Schools can hold exemption exam before the beginning of the semester upon the student requests and the exam date is announced to the students. According to the exam results, the student information who are exempted from the relevant courses are Student Affairs Department is notified through FYK/EYK decision. For further assistance on the content and dates of these exams, the relevant Schools/Graduate Schools can be contacted.
You may find the contact information of the department secretariats through Internal Contact Guide, which is on iber.ihu.edu.tr, under Corporate section.

6. I have a certain level of proficiency in the language course that I want to register for. What should I do to meet the prerequisite requirement?
You are required to attend the placement test that is held by the School of Foreign Languages department before the semester starts. The School of Foreign Languages announces the results of these exams and the Student Affairs Department is informed through an official letter. The relevant arrangements are made on the system pertaining to the course for which the prerequisite is met.

7. What should I do to substitute the courses taken in my exchange program at Ibn Haldun University?
While you need to apply to your School/Graduate School to initiate the decision process on taking courses from another university by submitting your education agreement, you also need to apply to your School/Graduate School for the courses to be substituted with your transcript upon your return.

1. How the graduation process is carried out, what should I do to initiate the process?
At the end of each semester, the students who are eligible for graduation are determined by the relevant Schools/Graduate Schools. The students are responsible for completing exmatriculation procedures before the graduation process is started. Exmatriculation procedures are carried out by completing the approvals from relevant departments that is on the examtriculation form. In order to get the required approvals, all of obligations towards the University must be fulfilled. Otherwise, a student who cannot disenrolled from the University cannot graduate.
The status of the students whose exmatriculation process is completed in FYK/EYK is evaluated and Student Affairs Department is informed of graduation decision taken for those.
The graduation and diploma process of students to be graduated is initiated by the Student Affairs Department. Until the diplomas are printed, the students are given interim graduation certificate for only once. All graduates are given a diploma supplement and a graduation transcript along with the diploma. 

2. How do I graduate?
In the undergraduate programs,
the students who successfully complete all the courses of the registered program, whose GPA is at least 2.00, and those who fulfill their obligations such as internship and graduation projects are entitled to obtain a bachelor’s degree.
the students who fail to complete the undergraduate program but complete all the courses in their curriculum until the end of the fourth semester with a GPA minimum of 2.00 are granted an associate degree upon their request in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Undergraduate Degree Education and Examination. For other details, please view Regulation on Undergraduate Degree Education and Examination Article 30.
In thesis master’s programs,
The students who succeed thesis master's program courses with at least a GPA of 3.00 within the scope of the registered program, and successfully complete the thesis and fulfill the other graduation requirements determined by the Graduate School within thirty days are entitled to receive Master’s Degree Diploma. For other details, please view Regulation on Graduate Degree Education Article 28 and 33.
In the non-thesis master’s degree programs,
The students who succeed master's courses with at least a GPA of 2.50 within the scope of the registered program, successfully complete the thesis and fulfill the other graduation requirements determined by the Graduate School within thirty days are entitled to receive Non-Thesis Master’s Degree Diploma. For other details, please view Regulation on Graduate Degree Education Article 32 and 33.
In the PhD programs,
Within the stipulations of the registered program, the students who succeed PhD courses with at least a GPA of 3.00 and those who pass the qualifying exam, thesis proposal defense, and thesis exam are entitled to receive PhD Diploma. For other details, please view Regulation on Graduate Degree Education Article 41 and 42.

3. Where can I see how much of my graduation obligations are met?
You may see the registered program’s graduation obligations and which obligations are met through the taken courses on Student Information System, Course and Semester Operations> Curriculum Status section.

4. When can I receive my diploma?
At the end of each semester, the diploma printing process is initiated for students who complete the registered program and are entitled to graduate. Our graduates who need graduation certificate during the printing process until the delivery, can obtain their document through e-Devlet.

1. How are the admissions for international students carried out?
Only YÖS (International Student Exam) results are not requested from the students wishing to enroll in our University but the exam results that the students can submit during application are taken into consideration for success evaluation. The applications made during the application period are examined by International Office Department and the candidate list who meet the application requirements is sent to International Student Admission Commission to be evaluated. The scholarships to be granted to those who are successful as a result of the evaluation are determined and presented to the University Board of Directors for the final admission. The enrollment process of candidates who are admitted to the University through University Board of Directors decision is conducted by the Student Affairs Department.

2. What are the scholarships granted for the international students?
Upon the evaluation of International Student Admission Commission, international students can be admitted as full fee-paying students, or with 25% or %50 discount.

3. Which documents are required for international students’ enrollment?
Upon receiving acceptance letters, international students arrive to Turkey through legal channels and submit English or Turkish translations and originals of all the documents required for enrollment.
You can view the Registration Guide for the documents requested during the enrollment process.

4. What is a student residence permit?
The residence permit is a document issued for international students coming to Turkey. It shows that international students legally reside in Turkey. After the enrollment process, international students need to apply to Provincial Directorate of Migration Administration to obtain their residence permit and submit a copy of it to Student Affairs department. It is required to have current residence permit of the students in student folders. For this reason, after the renewal of expired permits, it is our students’ responsibility to send their current permit copy to the Student Affairs Department.

5. How to obtain a residence permit?
Residence permit applications for international students admitted to our University are carried out at our University, through International Office Department. For further information on residence permit procedures, you can contact international@ihu.edu.tr address.

6. What is high school diploma equivalency certificate and how it is obtained?
High school diploma equivalency certificate is a document showing that the education degree of the high school you have graduated is equivalent to those in Turkey. Without this certificate, it is not possible to enroll in any university in our country.
To be able to obtain high school diploma equivalency certificate, you need to apply to Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in your country or to the Provincial Ministry of Education in your area of residence in Turkey.

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