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Registration Renewal

The process of course registration is completed by students through the student information system after paying the relevant semester fee at the beginning of each academic term, within the specified dates for course registration. For preparatory classes, the re-registration is conducted at the beginning of each module. Scholarship recipients can complete their course registrations without any payment-related procedures.

Students who are unable to complete the r course registration process during the course registration week can do so between the course add-drop dates as indicated in the academic calendar. Students wishing to course registration with valid excuses after these dates must submit a written petition to the School/Institute secretary's office no later than the end of the 4th week following the start of classes. In the case of these students, the course registration process is carried out by the Student Affairs based on the decision of the School Board/Institute Board, as applicable.

Preparatory class students, if they cannot complete course registration during the course registration periods specified in the academic calendar, must submit a written petition to the Student Affairs no later than the last business day of the week in which classes begin. The course registration process for students in this situation will be conducted with the approval of the Rectorate.

Students who do not complete the re-registration process will be transferred to the Higher Education Information System as inactive. Students in inactive status cannot benefit from their student rights, but their maximum study periods continue to be counted. Additionally, they are not eligible to avail themselves of any dormitory accommodation or monetary scholarship opportunities they may have.