The transfer of courses taken at another university and the exemption procedures based on exemption exams held at Ibn Haldun University are carried out within the scope of the "Exemption and Adaptation Procedures Directive.”
Upon enrollment at the University, provided that they have not been used for another degree, approved course content and transcripts from the previously attended university are submitted to the relevant dean's office/department along with a letter of application. For the requested courses, a minimum grade of C is required for undergraduate courses and a minimum grade of B for graduate courses. Similarity of course content and credit values are examined for the applied courses. While content similarity is not required for courses that will be counted as electives, for compulsory courses, a content similarity of at least 80% is necessary. The number of ECTS credits that can be transferred as exemptions cannot exceed 65% of the total ECTS workload in the curriculum of the respective program.
If a student wishes to be exempt from compulsory language courses in the relevant curriculum, and if they are successful in the exemption exam conducted no later than one week before course registrations, they will be awarded a "E" grade.
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