1. What is registration renewal and how can I renew my registration?
Registration renewal is to make course registrations through the student information system (OBS) on the dates determined for course registrations after paying the relevant semester fee at the beginning of each semester. Students complete their course selections in line with the courses included in the Curriculums and provided that they receive advisor’s approval.
For preparation programs, students are required to answer the survey released through the OBS at the beginning of each module. These students do not have to make an additional course registration through the system.
2. How and when can I register for courses?
The course registration for the undergraduate and graduate students is carried out through the OBS at the beginning of each semester while it is at the beginning of each module for preparation program students on the dates announced in the academic calendar. It is crucial that the relevant dates in the academic calendar are followed.
3. How will I perform my course registration through the system?
You can find the videos on OBS User Guides page.
4. I am trying to log in the OBS but it does not accept my password. What should I do?
If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it through https://pass.ihu.edu.tr/passwordresetrequest.php page. This is also the password of the e-mail address that is allocated for you by the University.
5. How can I learn the courses to be registered?
Students are obliged to choose the courses take place in the curriculum of the program in which they are enrolled, among the courses offered each semester.
Course schedules are published at the beginning of each semester, on the dates announced in the academic calendar, on the Course Schedule page at oidb.ihu.edu.tr. Curriculums are available on our University's Information Package page and they will be viewed under "Course Structure" title upon selecting the relevant degree and the program through Academic Units that is on the left menu. You may contact your advisor for further information on the courses you need to choose.
6. Can I register for an undergraduate course while I am in the preparation program?
It is not possible to register for an undergraduate course while you are in the preparation program.
7. Is it compulsory for my courses to be approved by my advisor?
In order for your course registration to be finalized, advisor’s approval process must be completed. Otherwise, your course registration will be invalid.
8. I could not register for my courses within the deadline, what should I do?
If you could not register for your courses within the deadline, you may complete your registration during the course add-drop period.
9. I wish to change a course that I have registered with another course but the course registration period is over. What can I do?
The courses registered in the course registration period can be replaced during course add-drop process.
10. I could not register for courses within the deadline and I will register in the add-drop period. Does it affect my scholarship status?
If you do not register within the deadline, your granted scholarship will not be active. When your course registration is finalized in the add-drop period, your granted scholarship will be active and, if exists, your payment pertaining prior period will be done.
11. I could not register for the courses within the registration dates and I missed the add-drop period. Will I not be able to register for the courses?
You may apply with a petition approved by your advisor to the relevant School/Graduate School secretariat containing the excuse along with the courses to be registered by the last working day of the fourth week, following the beginning of the courses. If your excuse is deemed valid and School/Graduate School Board of Directors decides your registration to be made, your course registration is performed by the Student Affairs Department.
12. I have registered for my courses within the deadline but my advisor has not approved them. I cannot see the registered courses on OBS. What should I do?
Advisor approvals are inseparable parts of the course registration. The registration of the courses, which are not approved by the advisor, is invalid and these courses are not shown on the OBS. You need to renew your registration in the add-drop period. If you missed course add-drop period as well, you should apply to your School/Graduate School to register for the courses.
13. I completed my course registration in due time, I received the advisor's approval. However, I cannot see my courses on Canvas system. What should I do?
After the course registration system is closed and advisor’s approvals are completed, the registrations made are automatically transferred to Canvas. If you are still unable to view your courses on Canvas when the course registration period is over, you may request support through “canvasbilgi@ihu.edu.tr” address. When you send an e-mail with the screenshot of the error, the problem will be solved and you will be informed as soon as possible.
14. I have registered for courses but Canvas link has not been sent. What should I do?
The links for the courses registered are formed and shared by the relevant course instructor. In such cases, you need to contact the course instructor.
15. My advisor has rejected my course list. What should I do?
When your course list is rejected, the OBS will allow you to make changes in your course list. Having the changes been made, the course list should be submitted once for your advisor’s approval. For students whose course list is rejected after deadline, the system will be opened one more day for course registrations and advisor’s approvals to be completed within the same day.
16. I chose my courses and sent them to advisor’s approval. Now I want to change a course but I am unable to make changes as it is approved by the advisor. What should I do?
After completing your course registrations and sending it to the advisor's approval, the system system will not allow you to make changes in your program until your advisor does. You may contact your advisor and ask him/her to reject your program. When your program is rejected, you can make the changes and then you need to send your courses once more for advisor’s approval.
If your advisor approves your course list, you cannot make changes through the system. In such cases, you should contact your advisor and request the courses you want to be added to your course list. In this case, you will need to finalize your course list once more and receive advisor’s approval.
17. I registered for my courses but my advisor has not approved them yet and I could not reach my advisor via e-mail. What should I do?
Students are responsible for ensuring that their registration is completed and approved by the advisor. Within course registration period, you should contact your advisor by receiving his/her opinion and make sure that the approval process is completed. In cases where you are unable to contact via e-mail, you may request assistance in getting contact with your advisor from your department secretariat. You may find the contact information of the department secretariats through Internal Contact Guide, which is on iber.ihu.edu.tr, under Corporate section.
18. The courses that I want to register overlap, is it still possible to register for the course?
As per the Article 20 second clause of Ibn Haldun University’s Regulation on Undergraduate Education, the students cannot register even for partially overlapping courses on the weekly schedule simultaneously.
However, the students who are registered to a double major or a minor program, may register for overlapping courses that are to be taken from the second major or the minor program together with those of primary major program upon the advisor’s and both course instructors’ approval. These students should fill Registration Form to Overlapping Courses for Double Major/Minor Students through iber.ihu.edu.tr, under For Students>Documents section that is on the left menu, and send ogrenciisleri@ihu.edu.tr address via e-mail.
For other than these courses, the registration process must be completed through the system and the advisor’s approval must be taken within the dates specified.
19. The quota of the university courses that I have to register is full, what can I do?
The quotas of the university courses offered are determined by the Core Courses Department and are monitored during the course registration process. If there is a need the quota to be increased, it is processed. Please check such courses frequently within the course registration days.
20. Am I able to take courses of the upper terms?
As long as your advisor approves, you may register for courses of the upper terms that do not have prerequisites However, as of the end of the fourth semester of the undergraduate studies, the students having a GPA below 1.80 should primarily repeat the failed courses, courses graded below C to raise their GPAs or non-registered courses of the previous semesters.
21. My courses registered for this semester are below 30 ECTS. Will my scholarship be discontinued?
If you meet the minimum ECTS value or the course number requirement for the relevant semester as it is specified in your curriculum, or if you reach the number of required ECTS in total until the relevant semester, your scholarship will not be discontinued.
The scholarship calculations pertaining primary major for students who enrolled in double major/minor programs are made based on the ECTS values taken in both programs. For this reason, the abovementioned ECTS value and course number requirement also apply for this situation.
22. What is the difference between departmental electives and general electives?
Departmental elective courses are the courses offered with your department’s own code, and general elective courses are the courses offered by other departments. You should register these courses as per the number specified in your curriculum.
23. Which language courses should I choose?
*300 coded courses are offered for undergraduate students while 500 coded courses are offered for graduate students. For this reason, undergraduate students should choose 300-coded language courses while graduate students should choose 500-coded language courses. In graduate programs, 500C coded courses are offered with credits and 500 coded courses are offered as non-credit. Students are obliged to register for the course group required by the relevant program. You may view the Multilingualism Proficiency Matrix, which is prepared by the Graduate School for this purpose.
24. Can I register for any level of a language course?
The prerequisite of the language courses offered at our University is to have completed the below level of the relevant course. The level of the course that the student needs to take is determined upon examination held by School of Foreign Languages. You may find the contact information of the School of Foreign Language secretariats through Internal Contact Guide, which is on iber.ihu.edu.tr, under Corporate section.
25. I am exempted from X level of the language course. I am unable to register for the next level of the course. What should I do?
You need to apply for your school with a petition to register for these courses. Your course registration will be performed by the Student Affairs Department upon School Board of Directors decision. Please do not forget to finalize the process for your other courses within course registration process.
26. What is the maximum number of ECTS credits that can I choose?
The freshmen year students who have no adjustment process have the right to take courses maximum of 38 ECTS. From the beginning of the third semester, with the advisor’s approval, students with a GPA between 2.00 and 3.00 may take a maximum of 6 more ECTS, and students with a GPA above 3.00 may take a maximum of 12 more ECTS in addition to their regular credit load.
27. I am in the thesis period, do I need to register for courses?
Students registered in a thesis master’s program must register for the thesis course every semester as of 3rd semester until they graduate. It will not be possible to defend your thesis in a semester, which you are not registered for the thesis course.
28. I cannot see the X course on the selection screen. Why could it be?
You may only see the courses offered for the relevant semester on the system. Not all of the courses that take place in your curriculum may be offered.
The courses whose syllabus information has not been identified are not shown on the system. The relevant course will be activated once the instructor of the course completes the syllabus information.
If you are unable to see the language courses, you may choose Turkish / Arabic courses of undergraduate programs that take place in your curriculum in line with the Multilingualism Policy, through elective groups that appear on your registration screen. Other language courses take place Curriculum/Extra Curricular Courses section. For graduate programs on the other hand, you may choose them through language courses group that appear on your registration screen.
If none of these situations applies to you, if you send an e-mail to ogrenciisleri@ihu.edu.tr with the screenshot of the error, the problem will be solved and you will be informed as soon as possible.
29. I receive an error message when I try to register for two courses from one group but according to my curriculum, I need to choose more than one course from this group. What should I do?
The system allows you to choose only one course for each group. You may choose your courses from other course groups with the same name. To display all of these groups, you should mark the relevant semester as “All”.
30. How can I see the general elective courses?
General elective courses can be seen under Curriculum / Extra Curricular Courses section upon selecting the relevant school/graduate school and the program.
31. I choose X course on the selection screen, but I cannot send it for advisor’s approval. Why could it be?
If a course has a prerequisite and you want to choose the course without fulfilling that requirement, the system will not allow you to finalize your course list.
32. The courses in my weekly course schedule on the OBS are different from those published on the website. What can I do?
After the course registration system is opened, changes made in the course schedule cannot be reflected in the system. However, the updated information of the courses for which changes are required due to specific reasons are announced on the website.
33. Can I register for another elective course instead of previously failed elective course?
One of the courses taken within the same semester cannot be substituted for failed courses. The students may repeat a previously taken elective course with another course on the condition that the course belongs to the same elective course group. To do this, after choosing the course, you should state the course to be substituted through “Saydır” button. Otherwise, the failed course will remain to affect your GPA.